Choosing auto insurance is no easy task whether you're sixteen or thirty five. If you're getting help from a parent they might be looking to add you to their insurance. When purchasing a car you definitely need car insurance. If you don't have it don't drive.
Before purchasing car insurance there are alot of factors to consider: type of car, your driving record and your budget. There are many types of auto insurance. You will be purchasing a policy which is based on the factors I listed above. Its alot to understand about an auto insurance policy. You must learn the types of coverage insurance companies offer.
Liability. Liability is the coverage in which you pay for accidental bodily injury and property damages to others. Liability includes medical expenses, pain, suffering and lost wages. Property damage includes damaged property and automobiles. It pays for defense and court fees. The state laws determines how much liability coverage you must purchase.
Collision. Collision is the coverage that pays for damages to your vehicle caused by collisions with another vehicle or object.
Comprehensive. This type of coverage pays for loss or damage to the insured vehicle that doesn't occur in an auto accident. The type of damages comprehensive insurance covers include loss caused by fire, wind, hail, flood, vandalism or theft.
Medical coverage. Medical coverage pays for medical expenses regardless of fault when the expenses are cause by an auto accident.
PIP. Personal injury protection is required in some states. This coverage pays medical expenses for the insured driver, regardless of fault, for the treatment due to an auto accident.
Uninsured motorist. This pays for your car's damage when an auto accident is caused by a driver who doesn't have liability insurance. Underinsured motorist pays your car's damages when an auto accident is caused by someone who has insufficient liability insurance.
If you are looking to buy a car you should consider buying a car that might look good to insurance companies. Insurance companies know what types of cars are more prone to have problems and what types of cars are more prone to be stolen. Insurance companies also offer discounts to students with good grades. You can ask about specific discounts that may be available for you.
Lastly, be aware of all of your options. There's alot of insurance companies out there. Don't settle for any company and policy because its extremely cheap. Don't be in such a rush to drive that you don't do your research and end up regretting it later. Since being a car owner and or driver is a huge responsibility be a grown up about it.